Pakistani Bloggers

March 24, 2014

The Anatomy of Motivation

Axiom 1 of Motivation:

"You do not talk about motivation."

 Axiom 2 of Motivation: You do not-- wait, won't this violate Axiom 1?

Seriously though,

Axiom 1 of Motivation: One's entire faith must be in Allah SWT as nothing can be achieved without HIS help.

Axiom 2: It's always toughest in the start. After that, it's cruise control and only basal motivation is needed.

The rest of this article deals with overcoming the 'toughest in the start' part of any activity. Allah SWT made our bodies adaptable. It's amazing what the human mind and body is capable of without killing itself. Check it out:

There are 3 ways of overcoming the 'toughest in the start' part:

1.Forceful external motivation: Simple. You want to get out of bed in time for school. You hire someone to physically pick you up and throw you out of bed, get you ready and physically put you onto the bus. Highly impractical and only for the morbidly obese, morbidly wealthy and morbidly-pretty-much-anything-else.

2. Non-forceful external motivation: That's what motivational speakers are for. Again, requires some resources, but not as many as (1). Also includes
a)Watching Rocky during a workout
b) Setting a rabid dog behind you (This one's a grey area. Would this come under (1) or (2)?)
c) Making what you're trying to achieve more accessible. For example, buying a treadmill so you don't need to physically haul yourself to the track/gym everyday. Instead, working out is

3. Internal motivation: This one's the cheapest, toughest to get, most effective and most mysterious. Is this innate or is there some way to attain this elusive Siren? Yes there is a way- by having firm faith in Axioms 1 and 2. Hold onto these 2 axioms during the 'toughest in the stast' part and your body will insha'Allah come around.

NB: I suggest universal guidelines for motivation be structured on the above post because if an article contains words like 'anatomy', 'guidelines', 'basal' and 'axiom' (not to mention impeccable grammar) and is liberally peppered with graphs, you know it's the Real Deal, Holyfield. Trust me, I'd know. I'm a doctor.


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