Pakistani Bloggers

April 22, 2010

In defence of my 3 year old self

Recently, I was going through my life's baggage, when I came across my montessori report card. Of course, this report card didn't have grades, but rather how I fared at certain 'skills', like tying my shoelaces etc. Well, I had a 'good' under most of the categories, but there were some where I did not fare as well. 15 years on, and at the end of my schooling career, I feel it is time to stand up and justify my toddler-self's actions, or inactions, if you will.
The teacher claims I did not:
1) Share materials and equipment: It's a school. You KNOW you have to bring something with you to write with. Bring your own stationery, for God's sake!
2) Know my address, phone number and birth date: I was paranoid. Arbitrarily trust a group of women I don't know and reveal personal details? Let's see a teacher's certificate first, lady!
3) Hold and use writing instruments correctly: As my friends will testify, I still can't.
4) Establish a hand preference: I refuse to conform! I choose to be different. I choose to be ambidextrous! I choose to write equally crappy with both hands!
5) Know how to button: Chicks dig unbuttoned shirts and bare chests.
6) Know how to tie laces: Only sissy Victorian era ladies tied laces. Chuck Norris wears sandals.
7) Recognize letter forms that have been taught: I learnt braille before the English alphabet. Yes, I am that good.
8) Print my name with one capital letter and the rest small letters: Actually, my capital 'F' looked exactly like my small 'f'.
9) Count objects to 10: I'm memon (partly). I can't count 1, 2, 3. I count exponentially. Rs. 1, Rs. 10, Rs. 100, Rs. 1000, Rs. 10000, Rs. Lakh, Rs. Crore, Dawood Ibrahim.
10) Write numbers 0 to 10: See 9.


Faysal said...

My mother's response:
Just some clarifications:
1) You are nor required to take anything to the montessori...maxim,um...just your Faysal IT WAS THEIR STUFF YOU WEREN'T SHARING!
5) Only if they are Italian otherwise they are considered Maila.
6) Please remember the sandals when you go for the formals or the AKU interview
7) Liar!
8) Bigger Liar
Actually, I don't know why Mrs Gaya said that you will shine anywhere...couldn't have based it on this report...maybe to maintain her stance...she has been paying people off for your grades! Luv u inspite of your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Yo mom rules yo!

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